Or at least they’ve redefined “space” in the article leading with the headline Space tourists given the chance to take one giant leap into thin air.
Simple really – it’s space. There is no air in space. Thin or otherwise. In fact, it’s actually quite famous for this lack of air. One may even go so far as to say that space is famous for its airlessness.
Ok, you **** off up there and bring me back a jar of “space air”.
well, space isn’t exactly a vacuum, so there may be some very thin air up there. Strictly speaking;-)
nice beard by the way
**** in the jars so they get a nice surprise if they open them.
Thanks for that. I’ll give it a try. I could try it anyway – I could sell jars of the stuff to gullible yanks. kerrrrching.
True enough. They voted one in as president. Twice.
well, the yanks are generally known around the world for their ignorance. it’ll be easy to sell them useless *****.