Not good at the moment and mainly linked to my physical state. As a result of walking well over 100 miles in 7 days (doesn’t sound like much? Well, I climbed two 1000km high slopes and did 33 of the miles in one hit yesterday) I have the sorest feet in the world ever. In addition, my shoulders are red raw from carrying my rucksack, I’m tired from lack of sleep and I’m going mental at the scale of what I’ve undertaken.
7 days down, 60 or so to go.
Now, I know I can walk 33 miles in a day. This is twice what I’d reckoned on so I should be able to finish The Walk in half the planned time. Only if I walk that far, my feet self-destruct and it takes days for them to get better. If I only do 17 miles, then I arrive at some town with nothing to do all afternoon and evening at 2pm. I wait around for sunfall, find a place to camp (if I’m able) and try to sleep far earlier than I’m used to.
Then I wake up when the sun rises and repeat. I can’t carry a load of books as they’re too heavy. I can’t spend evening in cybercafes as it’s too expensive (if I can find the things). I don’t know people in the towns and most don’t have hostels, not that I could afford to stay in one every night anyway.
Plus, there’s a lot of people back home I miss like hell and I can’t wait to see you all again. If I could do this walk in a month, I would do. The worst thing would be to have it take longer than I’ve planned.
If I had someone (or someones) with me, it would definitely help. It’d be an adventure, a lark. But instead it’s just me (partly my own fault, I did have at least one person volunteer to join me but he was a dodgy-sounding guy from Ghana who was trying to get me to send forms to the embassy for him and stuff). You try walking for 33 miles with nobody to talk to. Along a road so you can’t read as you have to watch for traffic. When the only scenery is fields.
What the hell have I set myself up for? I am now in Turin a day ahead of schedule – good. But knowing I’ll need to spend an extra day here to sort my feet out – bad. And that I still have at least 60 days left – worse. And I can’t realistically speed that up. Worse again.
Anyone want to walk with me for a few days? Spread it out between everyone here and it’d only be a day or so each!
Mosh, stop complaining. You’ve got yourself into it for a good reason. Start walking in a normal pace rather than trashing your feet.
And somewhat – yes, having a company to cheer you up is nice. But being completely on your own for a short time, put things into a right pespective, gives you a time to think and re-think certain aspects of your life. And I believe it is something you *will* appreciate once it is over.
Good luck & cheer up!
And as a proof you are not first:
She is a *very* mid age woman, who is planning to walk this distance in 1000hr.
Her ancestor Emma Sharp *walked* 1000 miles in 1000 hours in 1864
Women! *sight*
I’m going to post this every where I can, but, REMEMBER WHY YOU’RE DOING THIS!! It’s for a good cause, and besides, think of all the drinks people are going to buy you when you get home.
I’ve already told you off about your feet, so I’m not going to do that again, it just wouldn’t be productive.
G – problem with walking normal pace is I end up in places at 2 in the afternoon with *nothing* to do for 8-10 hours. Drives me crazy so I keep walking 🙁
And you’re right. Women. *tut* You know I have no idea how many days 1000 hours are. I’ll work it out.
Talia – I know why I’m doing this. It’s the main reason I’m not throwing the towel in…
Actually the reason your doing this is because you’re completely NUTS 🙂
I havn’t any advise, but there are lots of us right behind you.
You’re right, he IS nuts, but we love him just the same.
I swear I worry more about you every time you post. But keep cheery, or at least try to, because we’ll all be very proud when you get home. If we don’t have you sectioned for being so mad as to attempt it in the first place!!
Mosh, 1000hrs gives you almost 42 days. How fast was she walking? Did this 1000hr included time for sleep (ie. start-end) or only walk – I don’t know. You can ask her Grand-grand daughter if you wish – she is about to repeat the ‘exercise’.
Dale, you are right – he is NUTS. And grumpy.
Yeah, I realised I’m doing 3 miles an hour on average when I walk so I’d likely be doing it in under 1000 hours.
I am nuts, I know it now. Kinda glad I stopped for a bit in Turin as the weather’s got *very* nasty (chucking it down right now) and it would be even worse to be walking through crap like that.
Guys, it really does make a huge difference to read your posts of support here and on the other blogs. Seriously. Thank you so much.
Except you, Anon. Who you calling grumpy? I’m sulky, dammit.
Anon = G. You are bloody grumpy. Is it age catching with you Mosh?
And if you don’t appreciate my support – SOD IT.
I guess when a person reaches a certain age they stop being sulky and start being grumpy. Argh – I’m getting old…