Sick of facebook deciding what you get to read from your favourite websites? Wish you could be informed of every single post so you don’t miss anything? Then step back in time and find out a little about RSS, a simple and reliable way to keep on top of posts.
Of course, it depends on websites supporting RSS, but a surprising number do (given that it’s trivial to set up), including The Moshville Times. And this one.
I use Feedly as my RSS reader. It’s accessible via the web or an app. The free account limits you to 100 feeds, which should be plenty to get you going.
Alternatively, there’s the Vivaldi web browser which has an RSS module built into its email client as of recently, though it’s still a little clunky. Those of you using Outlook (the full app) can also make use of its inbuilt RSS reader.
There are others, too. A quick Google turned up this article which lists another four.
Once you have your reader, it’s usually as simple as entering the URL of your chosen website into it. The reader will locate the RSS feed and add it as a subscription. Worst case you may need to locate the site’s feed yourself, but it should be a simple matter of looking down the sidebar for “RSS” or the logo seen above. Copy the link and use that.
Then just set notifications, if needs be, or check your reader when you want to catch up. You won’t miss a post from your chosen websites again! No stupid algorithm, no 2-day delay until the site decides that it’s your turn to read something.