Just got an email from a very rushed Anni. All good news!
Ed is so fine it’s unbelievable. He is so perky, the change in him is astonishing. I cried like a baby when I saw what I had done to him – there is about half an inch left of his tail, plus they shaved his whole backside – but he is no longer racing around the house in fear. He now ‘walks tall’ instead of crawling around like commando cat, and has progressed from sleeping on my head to a more usual sleeping between my feet.
KK is also much better now she has been treated for fleas – still a bit thin on fur, but it’s already growing back.
Normal service will be resumes tomorrow. I’ve just finished reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince so I now have spare time. Well, around coursework.
For the record, I have to say I’m not that impressed. For 600-odd pages, very little happens compared to what was crammed into smaller books earlier in the series. JKR‘s writing does seem to have improved, but this title reads more like an introduction to the last in the series than a story in its own right.
To make up for not posting, please find attached a piccy of Anni‘s hot pussy (her words).
If it chucks it down with rain today in the Bradford area, it’s all my fault. I meant to wash my duvet yesterday so I could put it out to dry and I forgot. So I popped it in the wash this morning instead… and then gathered that we’re due for thunder storms and torrential rain.
New toys
Seeing as Anni was too pissed (see yesterday’s comments) to spot the ******* huge graphic above, I’ll detail the additions to the page. One is the aforementioned big blue box with a yellow and green border right at the top of the ******* page which is sooooo hard to see. It lets you know what I’m listening to on Winamp, and is supplied by SigAmp. They do versions for about 6 different media players.
Further down on the left, I’ve added a proper RSS feed to go with the Atom one (see the subscribe section) courtesy of FeedBurner. This’ll mean knack all to most of you – and in fact to me – but some people have asked for it so there you go.
Finally, right at the bottom of the left section is a little map that details bloggers near my location. This one courtesy of FeedMap.
That text message
OK, it’s been asked for and I said I’d post it. Anni’s shitfaced text message from Friday night:
I am very very drunk, waiting 4 bus home. I have a blow up guitar.