Roll up, roll up. Your results are in. With more of a spread than in the previous poll, it seems that most of you side with me in saying that this stuff should be left on the shelves, but a slightly larger proportion of you think that at least some action should be taken about it.
And now for a new poll. In the news recently has been home security – that’s security of the household rather than some kind of fascist policy that removes all of your citizens’ human rights. That one’s homeland security. Just ask George “The Chimp” Bush about his PATRIOT act.
Anyway, in the UK it’s generally been the accepted rule that if someone tries to break into your house and you do anything other than hand them old aunt Maud’s jewellery collection, your stash of DVDs and the stereo then you’ll end up in court. Hell, if they strain their back hoiking your widescreen TV into the back of the van they nicked for the job, you can expect to find youseld on charges of neglect or assault.
The poor dears.
Anyway, after recent court cases someone has decided that wouldn’t it be a good idea if we were actually allowed to protect our homes, family and property without worrying about the consequences of giving some thieving chav a broken jaw. The Tories started it, the mostsenior police officer in the ocuntry voiced his support and then Labour spotted the bandwagon about to leave town without them on it so jumped aboard.
What’s reported so far is a moderately simple change: to alter the fact that you can defend yourself “with reasonable force” to the fact that you can do what you want to the toerags as long as there is no evidence of “gratuitous violence”. I take this to read “as long as they don’t find the corpse” but I may be twisting the words in my favour somewhat.
Anyway, the poll – what would you decide is gratuitous? Where should the limit be? Or do you feel we should leave it on the basis that if scum know they’re more likely to get a fight then they’re more likely to come armed?
On the same subject I was watching Crime Scene Academy from last night and heard a great story set in America. Two scum broke into a guy’s house and held him at gunpoint demanding “the money”. They knew he had a safe in the house and made him lead them to it. They stepped aside and demanded he open it, which he did. They demanded he reach in and give them what was in there.
He did. It was a gun safe and contained, among other things, a 50mm semi-auto which was loaded and ready to use. A swift turn and a spray of bullets saw the two guys run off, one already mortally wounded with a nicked artery in his neck. The homeowner chased them through the house and put two bullets in the chest of the other. Both died.
Police verdict? Completely innocent. All the evidence backed his story up and they adjudged him to be protecting his property and himself. For once I am in awe of – get this – Americans with sense. Will wonders never cease?
“the other also someone who was trying to run away” – err, someone *who killed a burglar* who was trying to run away, that is.
And I keep a 14 inch Butchers Knife near my bed.
This IS NYC, after all.
As long as you get them with an everyday object your fine. For example not many people sleep with a loaded gun next to their bed but a lot of people have bedside lamps, so just **** them over the head with it. Jobs a gud’n 🙂
I have one of those magnalite torches, perfectly reasonable place to keep it but would hurt a lot if i got someone over the head with it
I usually have a cat or two curled up somewhere on the bed – but they’d probably bounce if I threw them at someone – might give them a damn good clawing though…
Caz – like your thinking, I know what’s just appeared on my list for Santa
ps. glad I don’t have to put a blue rinse through my hair
I’ve got a wakizashi next to my bed. I **** you not. In all fairness, it is only a gunto, but some random prowler isn’t to know that.
And JJ – you’re not necessarily a Tory. Blair, as mentioned, is now in favour of it so that makes it Labourish as well. Give the Liberals a few weeks and I’m sure they’ll decide to join the party before they feel left out again.
In recent years I’ve heard of successful prosecutions for people having spiked fences. Scum have tried to climb over them, slipped and injured themselves.
The guy shot by Tony Martin sued (for what – loss of earnings?) but was found to be pretending to be as badly hurt as he claimed so that was dropped. Was he then taken to court for fraud? Was he ****.
As it stands I only have myself and my possessions to protect. I’d happily shove someone down the stairs and “accidentally” stan on their throat. If I had a partner or a child in the house I would willingly purchase and keep a lethal weapon nearby and have no hesitation whatsoever in using it.
I’d also prefer not to have a “Beware of the Mosh” sign. I’d not like them to have any warning whatsoever. It’d be like having a “Beware of the Spring” sign on a mousetrap.
It’s important not to confuse civil & criminal law here.
Two people have been found guilty of murder/manslaughter for killing burglars in the UK in the last 10 years; one was Tony Martin, the other also someone who was trying to run away.
If you kill someone robbing your house, the police will interview you, and may charge you. You are very unlikely to have to go to court; if you *are* prosecuted, you will be convicted only if you killed someone who was trying to flee.
However, you might face a civil lawsuit for having a spiky fence, a vicious dog, a Komodo dragon, etc, that injures a burglar.
The current bandwagon will make absolutely no difference to the situation outlined above – you still won’t have the right to shoot people in the back while they run away, but could still get sued if your pack of tigers mauls an intruder…
Murder = no
“accidental” death = ok
I got ya 😉
Now you may have worked out by now that I’m something of a Guardian reading fluffy liberal (albeit with a streak of kink but that’s in keeping), but I have to admit to being in the “take ’em down & take ’em down hard” camp on this one.
Even if the current law doesn’t change & I found some chavscum pondlife a-creepin’ round my house then I’d be more than happy to use whatever came to hand to beat the living crap out of them – oh no, does this mean I’m becoming a Tory? – help meeeeeeeeeee….
In this country the displaying of a ‘Beware of the Dog’ sign is admitting that your dog is dangerous!
The Old Bill have privately advised people to not put up any such signs!
Crazy and ****** up!
S’ok, John – understood from what you said first time. yeah, if they’re running away I’d say it’s acceptable to throw a bolas and hobble them, then handcuff them to something. If they happened to fall and smack their head open then I’d say fair enough – you were trying to apprehend, not harm.
I suppose, though, if you shoot them in the legs while they run away would that be OK?
Booby traps are a bad idea. There was a guy about a year or two ago who set up a shotgun or something in his shed as it had been robbed a few times. Then forgot.
He opened the door and shot himself in the chest, though I think it was loaded with salt rather than shot so the wounds were a lot less serious than they should have been. Once he was released from hospital the police charged him with unlawful disharge of a firearm.
Just to rub (more) salt into the wounds…
Short of murdering the scumbags, I reckon anything else is fair game.
Similarly with the guy who got five years for accidentally shooting himself in the balls with a sawn-off shotgun. Insult-to-injury-tastic…
That story, I can assure you, is an oddity here. More often than not people get chucked in the clink even if they WERE defending themselves and/or their property.
Kind of like the burglar who sued the people he robbed because their dog bit him.
And he won, because they failed to put a ‘Beware of Dog’ sign up so he’d know to rob someone else instead.
“the other also someone who was trying to run away” – err, someone *who killed a burglar* who was trying to run away, that is.
And I keep a 14 inch Butchers Knife near my bed.
This IS NYC, after all.
As long as you get them with an everyday object your fine. For example not many people sleep with a loaded gun next to their bed but a lot of people have bedside lamps, so just **** them over the head with it. Jobs a gud’n 🙂
I have one of those magnalite torches, perfectly reasonable place to keep it but would hurt a lot if i got someone over the head with it
I usually have a cat or two curled up somewhere on the bed – but they’d probably bounce if I threw them at someone – might give them a damn good clawing though…
Caz – like your thinking, I know what’s just appeared on my list for Santa
ps. glad I don’t have to put a blue rinse through my hair
I’ve got a wakizashi next to my bed. I **** you not. In all fairness, it is only a gunto, but some random prowler isn’t to know that.
And JJ – you’re not necessarily a Tory. Blair, as mentioned, is now in favour of it so that makes it Labourish as well. Give the Liberals a few weeks and I’m sure they’ll decide to join the party before they feel left out again.
In recent years I’ve heard of successful prosecutions for people having spiked fences. Scum have tried to climb over them, slipped and injured themselves.
The guy shot by Tony Martin sued (for what – loss of earnings?) but was found to be pretending to be as badly hurt as he claimed so that was dropped. Was he then taken to court for fraud? Was he ****.
As it stands I only have myself and my possessions to protect. I’d happily shove someone down the stairs and “accidentally” stan on their throat. If I had a partner or a child in the house I would willingly purchase and keep a lethal weapon nearby and have no hesitation whatsoever in using it.
I’d also prefer not to have a “Beware of the Mosh” sign. I’d not like them to have any warning whatsoever. It’d be like having a “Beware of the Spring” sign on a mousetrap.
It’s important not to confuse civil & criminal law here.
Two people have been found guilty of murder/manslaughter for killing burglars in the UK in the last 10 years; one was Tony Martin, the other also someone who was trying to run away.
If you kill someone robbing your house, the police will interview you, and may charge you. You are very unlikely to have to go to court; if you *are* prosecuted, you will be convicted only if you killed someone who was trying to flee.
However, you might face a civil lawsuit for having a spiky fence, a vicious dog, a Komodo dragon, etc, that injures a burglar.
The current bandwagon will make absolutely no difference to the situation outlined above – you still won’t have the right to shoot people in the back while they run away, but could still get sued if your pack of tigers mauls an intruder…
Murder = no
“accidental” death = ok
I got ya 😉
Now you may have worked out by now that I’m something of a Guardian reading fluffy liberal (albeit with a streak of kink but that’s in keeping), but I have to admit to being in the “take ’em down & take ’em down hard” camp on this one.
Even if the current law doesn’t change & I found some chavscum pondlife a-creepin’ round my house then I’d be more than happy to use whatever came to hand to beat the living crap out of them – oh no, does this mean I’m becoming a Tory? – help meeeeeeeeeee….
In this country the displaying of a ‘Beware of the Dog’ sign is admitting that your dog is dangerous!
The Old Bill have privately advised people to not put up any such signs!
Crazy and ****** up!
S’ok, John – understood from what you said first time. yeah, if they’re running away I’d say it’s acceptable to throw a bolas and hobble them, then handcuff them to something. If they happened to fall and smack their head open then I’d say fair enough – you were trying to apprehend, not harm.
I suppose, though, if you shoot them in the legs while they run away would that be OK?
Booby traps are a bad idea. There was a guy about a year or two ago who set up a shotgun or something in his shed as it had been robbed a few times. Then forgot.
He opened the door and shot himself in the chest, though I think it was loaded with salt rather than shot so the wounds were a lot less serious than they should have been. Once he was released from hospital the police charged him with unlawful disharge of a firearm.
Just to rub (more) salt into the wounds…
Short of murdering the scumbags, I reckon anything else is fair game.
Similarly with the guy who got five years for accidentally shooting himself in the balls with a sawn-off shotgun. Insult-to-injury-tastic…
That story, I can assure you, is an oddity here. More often than not people get chucked in the clink even if they WERE defending themselves and/or their property.
Kind of like the burglar who sued the people he robbed because their dog bit him.
And he won, because they failed to put a ‘Beware of Dog’ sign up so he’d know to rob someone else instead.