Sick of boobs?

I’ve spent some time in France, now, and they do indeed show boobs in a lot of TV adverts, most often shower products. Thing is, you then go to Italy and they use them to advertise anything from eggs to car wax.

Of course, I’m male so nothing can put me off boobs. Or can it? One joy of the south of France is that woman can and do sunbathe topless and you get to see some cracking norks out there. As I was plodding along near Menton on the first day of The Walk (donate money now or the aliens will kill you) I saw one particular woman stood at the beachside, naked but for a teeny thong.

She was ninety if she were a day.

Ninety and sun-baked. Wrinkled like a Plasticene prune someone had run the prongs of a fork over. And her boobs… not so much puppies as oven-dried, shaved armadillos.

I shuddered, I looked away. I looked back, just to be sure of what I saw.

This was it. Off tits for life. No more boobage. Gone. Wasted. Another fetish to hunt for.

Then I saw this really fit number with a corking pair lying down a few yards away.

*phew* Boob lust maintained.

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Dammit, there was me thinking I was off the hook with you and your ‘Talia in a corset’ obsession.



As if. I am male and you have big knockers. *shrug*


My sis lives in Hong Kong and recently had a week’s holiday in Greece. All those lovely beaches in Thailand, I asked her? She said she was sick of the beaches in far east.

What she really meant was that she wanted to get her boobs brown without getting arrested.


And are they brown? And do I get to see them?

Hey, if you don’t ask, you don’t get (a slap in the face).


Lol, yeah, they’re brown – I’m sure you can imagine them so no need to see them….


Imagining’s just not the same! Need boobies!

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